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American Bullmastiff Association Rescue Service (ABARS) - Florida Chapter

Bullmastiff   Rescues
Birmingham AL 35201 United States

The mission of ABARS?is to find homes for unwanted Bullmastiffs that come from shelters or are owner surrenders from people whose lifestyle or financial situation has changed. Occasionally ABARS will get Bullmastiffs that have been abandoned at a local veterinarian’s office or from a good citizen that has found the dog and exhausted all means to locate the dog’s owner. ABARS is not a placement service for our members’ unwanted or returned dogs. We do accept owner surrenders from people who have purchased their dogs at pet shops or backyard breeders, but most of the dogs we place are of unknown origin and unknown age. ABARS will not re-home a Bullmastiff that has any history of aggression to adults or children. ABARS cannot accept for placement, dogs that are Bullmastiffs mixes – we only take dogs that are known to be Bullmastiffs or can be represented as such. The Bullmastiffs are neutered or spayed before they are adopted and receive all the vet care they need so they can be represented as being in good health.?

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