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Washington Akita Group, Inc. (WAG)

Akita   -Dogs   Rescues
15816 North Katie Road, Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026, USA
15816 N Katie Rd Nine Mile Falls Washington 99026 United States

Washington Akita Group, Inc. (WAG) is a small group of concerned Akita people dedicated to the rescue and placement of orphaned Akitas in Washington State (Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Utah and Wyoming as foster or kennel space allows). Our primary mission is to find good homes for abandoned Akitas, most coming from local animal shelters after being found as strays or given up to shelters by their owners. We DO NOT take dogs directly from an owner except under extraordinary conditions. We help transition the dogs into their new homes by providing proper nutrition, veterinary care, grooming, socialization and love before placement. We offer support for Akita owners and education for our communities about the Akita as a breed and the need for responsible dog ownership.

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