19275 James Monroe Hwy Leesburg VA 20175 United States
19275 James Monroe Hwy Leesburg Virginia 20175 US

North Oatlands Animal Hospital (NOAH) is proud to offer a full-range of veterinary services including medical, surgical, and general wellness care for your entire pet family. Simply put, NOAH’s goal is to fulfill all of the veterinary needs of our community by providing first-rate care with an emphasis on customer service and satisfaction. We understand that many veterinarians can care for your pet, but at North Oatlands Animal Hospital (NOAH) we are pet lovers as well as pet care professionals. In addition to being a Full-Service veterinary facility, North Oatlands Animal Hospital is one of the most comprehensive Canine Reproduction Practices in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Dr. Rickard uses the latest techniques and advances in the field of reproductive medicine to achieve the highest success rate possible. Our Experience, Methods and Attention to Detail allow us to succeed where others have failed.