… More Pictures and Information, but meanwhile this is what we’ve discovered for you about this breed:




Did You Know?

Did you know cat hair isn’t the cause of reactions by people sensitized to cat allergens? The primary cause is an allergen produced in cats’ saliva.   These allergens are spread to cats’ hair through grooming, which are then shed into the environment.

Appearance & Coat


The Siamese and the Javanese might differ in coat length and color, but beneath the skin they are identical. Javanese are extremely fond of their people. They like to be “helpful” and will follow you around and supervise your every move. When you are sitting down, a Javanese will be in your lap, and at night he will be in bed with you, probably under the covers with his head on the pillow. He is frequently underfoot, so he might not be the best choice for people who are unsteady on their feet or use a walker or cane.

A Javanese is perhaps not quite as loud as his relative the Siamese, but he is most definitely just as  opinionated. He will tell you exactly what he thinks, and he expects you to pay attention and act on his advice. You can also count on him to “tell all” to visitors, so be grateful that most people are not conversant in the Javanese language.

The Javanese is highly intelligent, agile and athletic, and loves to play. Keep his busy brain active with puzzle toys and his body exercised with teaser toys that he can chase and a big cat tree he can climb. He likes to play fetch, is willing to walk on a leash, and learns tricks easily. He is also a good trainer himself and may be running your household before you know it. Never leave him without any form of entertainment, or you will likely come home to find that he has reprogrammed your DVR to record only nature shows or at the very least decided that your toilet paper rolls and tissue boxes look better empty.

Do not get a Javanese if living with a chatty busybody would drive you insane. On the other hand, if you enjoy having someone to talk to throughout the day, the Javanese can be your best friend. Just be sure you have time to spend with this demanding and social cat. Javanese don’t mind staying home during the day while you go off to earn money to buy cat food, but they will expect you to devote time to them when you are at home. It can be smart to get two of them so they can keep each other company.

Choose a Javanese if you look forward to spending time with and interacting with your cat. This is a loyal and loving feline who will pout and pine if given little or no attention. In the right home, however, he thrives for years.