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You want your dog(s) to be gentle with your children as well as being able to handle the heavy-handed displays of affection and hugs children love to dish out. You want your dog[s] to easily handle all the running, screaming and sudden displays of exuberance that come with the territory. Don’t be surprised by who’s on our list, for example, Boxers are known to be great with children. However, the smaller, delicate, and potentially ‘snappy’ dogs such as Chihuahuas & Dachshunds aren’t so family-friendly.

Young children and dogs of any breed should always be supervised by an adult and never left alone together, period.

No matter what the breed or breed type, all dogs have strong jaws, sharp pointy teeth, and may bite in stressful circumstances.

Most dog bites occur when small toddlers approach and hug a sleeping dog. The dog, in a deep sleep, suddenly feels choked & reacts before being fully awake ~ biting the child ~ and in most cases it costs the dog it’s life. I am a big supporter of evaluating the situation and knowing the dog would never have bitten the child if he or she was fully awake and aware of the situation.



AFFENPINSHER2 AiredaleTerrier1-150x150 Akita2-150x150
Affenpinscher Airedale Terrier Akita
American-Foxhound-2 American-Water-Spaniel-2 Anatolian-Shepherd-Dog-150x150
American Foxhound American Water Spaniel Anatolian Shepherd Dog
AUSTRALIAN-CATTLE-DOG-150x150 Australian-Shepherd-2-150x150 Australian-Terrier1-150x150
Australian Cattle Dog Australian Shepherd Australian Terrier
Basenji3 BASSET-HOUND-150x150 Beagle-150x150
Basenji Basset Hound Beagle
BeardieSoft-150x150 BEAUCERON-150x150 Bedlington-Terrier-2
Bearded Collie Beauceron Bedlington Terrier
BelgianMalinois6-150x150 BELGIANSHEPHERD200200.jpg BelgianTervuren2
Belgian Malinois Belgian Sheepdog Belgian Tervuren
BERNESE-MTN-DOG-150x150 BICHON-FRISE150 Black-and-Tan-Coonhound-2
Bernese Mountain Dog Bichon Frise Black and Tan Coonhound
BLACK-RUSSIAN-TERRIER-150x150 Bloodhound-2 BorderCollie5-150x150
Black Russian Terrier Bloodhound Border Collie
BORDERTERRIER-150x150 BORZOI3 Boston-Terrier-2
Border Terrier Borzoi Boston Terrier
Boxer Briard Brittany Spaniel
BRUSSELSGRIFFON2002001-150x150 BOYKINSPANIE200.jpg Cairn-Terrier2
Brussels Griffon Boykin Spaniel Cairn Terrier
Canaan-Dog1-150x150 Cavalier-King-Charles11 CHESAPEAKEBAYRETRIEVER150
Canaan Dog Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Chesapeake Bay Retriever
ChineseCrested1-150x150 ClumberSpaniel21-150x149 English-Cocker-Spaniel-1-150x150
Chinese Crested Dog Clumber Spaniel Cocker Spaniel
Collie4-150x150 Curly-CoatedRetriever Dalmation3-150x150
Collie Curly-Coated Retriever Dalmatian
Dandie-Dinmont-Terrier1 English-Cocker-Spaniel-1-150x150 American-Foxhound-2
Dandie Dinmont Terrier English Cocker Spaniel English Foxhound
English-Setter-11-150x150 English-Springer-Spaniel-11 English-Toy-Spaniel2-150x150
English Setter English Springer Spaniel English Toy Spaniel
Field-Spaniel-2-150x150 Finnish-Spitz1-150x150 Flat-Coated-Retriever-5-150x149
Field Spaniel Finnish Spitz Flat-Coated Retriever
FRENCH-BULLDOG-150x150 German-Pinschers-2-150x150 German-Shepherd-150x150
French Bulldog German Pinscher German Shepherd
German-Shorthaired-Pointer-1-150x150 German-Whirehaired-Pointer-1-150x150 Giant-Schnauzer3-150x150
German Shorthaired Pointer German Wirehaired Pointer Giant Schnauzer
GLEN-OF-IMAAL-TERRIER1-150x150 Golden-Retriever-7 Gordon-Setter-3-150x150
Glen of Imaal Terrier Golden Retriever Gordon Setter
Great-Dane1-150x150 Great-Pyrenees3-150x150 Greater-Swiss-Mtn-Dog-150x150
Great Dane Great Pyrenee Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Harrier2-150x150 Havanese31 IBIZAN-HOUND-150x150
Harrier Havanese Ibizan Hound
Irish-Setter-11 IRISH-WATER-SPANIEL-150x150-150x150 IrishWolfhound1-150x150
Irish Setter Irish Water Spaniel Irish Wolfhound
ITALIAN-GREHOUND-150x150 Jack-Russell-Soft-150x150 Japanese-Chin2-150x150
Italian Greyhound Jack Russell Terrier Japanese Chin
Keeshond6-150x150 KomondorSoft-150x150 Kuvasz-150x150
Keeshond Komondor Kuvasz
Labrador-Retriever1-150x150 LAKELANDTERRIERw-150x150 Lowchen-150x150
Labrador Retriever Lakeland Terrier Lowchen
Maltese1 MINIATURE-POODLES-Multi-Colored
Maltese American Eskimo Dog Miniature Poodle
Miniature-Schnauzer-150x150 Newfoundland-150x150 Norfolk-Terrier-German-Courtesy-150x150
Miniature Schnauzer Newfoundland Norfolk Terrier
Norwegian-Elkhound1-150x150 Nova-Scotia-Duck-Tolling-Retriever1-150x150 OldEnglishSoft-150x150
Norwegian Elkhound Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Old English Sheepdog
Otterhound5-150x150 PAPILLON-150x150 PARSON-RUSSELL-TERRIER-150x150
Otterhound Papillon Parson Russell Terrier
Petit-Basset-Griffon3 PharoahHound-150x150 PlottHound3
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Pharaoh Hound Plott Hound
POINTER-150x150 Polish-Lowland-Sheepdog1-150x150   PORTUGUESE-WATER-DOG-150x150
Pointer Polish Lowland Sheepdog Portuguese Water Dog
Pug Puli3-150x150 Rhodesian-Ridgeback
Pug Puli Rhodesian Ridgeback
SaintBernard-150x150 Samoyed8-150x150 Sealham-Terrier-150x150
Saint Bernard Samoyed Sealyham Terrier
Shelties Shiba-Inu-150x150 Shih-Tzu
Shetland Sheepdog Shiba Inu Shih Tzu
Silky-Terrier2-150x150 Skye-Terrier-150x150 Soft-Coated-Wheaten-Terrier9
Silky Terrier Skye Terrier Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
SPINONE-ITALIANO-150 ManchesterTerrier-150x150
Spinone Italiano   Manchester Terrier
StandardPOODLE8 Standard-Schnauzer2-150x150 SussexSpaniel3
Standard Poodle Standard Schnauzer Sussex Spaniel
Swedish Vallhund Tibetan Spaniel Tibetan Terrier
TOYPOODLE200200.jpg Vizsla3
  Toy Poodle Vizsla
Weimaraner1 Welsh-Springer-150x150 Welsh-Terrier10-150x150
Weimaraner Welsh Springer Spaniel Welsh Terrier
West-Highland-Terrier-Cutie Whippet3 Fox-Terrier-Wirehaired-1-150x150
West Highland White Terrier Whippet Wire Fox Terrier
Wire-Haired-Pointing-Griffon1 Yorkshire-Terrier-2
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Yorkshire Terrier

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