Articles & Blogs

5 Activities To Do with Your Dog this Fall

#1. Home-made Halloween Cat & Dog Treats

Who said pumpkin spiced latte season was just for humans? Not many know that pumpkin is considered one of the top superfoods for Dogs & Cats?

A]  Cat Salmon/Pumpkin Yummy Recipe:

B]  Dog Halloween Yummy Treat Recipe:



#2. Take your Dog  to a Pumpkin Patch

Visiting a pumpkin patch during fall is a must, but did you know some pumpkin patches allow you

to bring your furry friend? It’s always recommended to call ahead to determine whether they allow

Dogs or not. If they do, this would make a great experience for them- and a great opportunity for



#3. Create a TikTok Video in Halloween Costumes

Right now the “Ghost Trend” is taking over on TikTok, especially for Dog influencers (yes that’s a

thing and we’re not mad about it). The way it works: grab a white sheet, cut about five holes in it, one for the nose to stick out, two for their eyes, and two more on the side for their ears. The end result should be an adorable ghost costume with your furry friend!


#4. Make Fall-Themed Bandanas

Dogs with bandanas just take their cuteness to another level. It’s also a great way to get into the

seasonal spirit with your furry friends. The best part about this activity is that it’s simple to do at

home. All you need is a fabric of your choice, and some great scissors that are able to cut through



#5. Explore a New Hiking Trail

The best thing about fall is that the weather is perfect for hiking. It’s not too cold, not too hot, which makes it the perfect opportunity to explore new hiking trails with your Dog[s].

When going on new hiking trails, don’t forget to bring a collapsible bowl and some water for both you and your best four-footed buddy.

*If your Dog is under 20 lbs. be sure to keep them on a leash & safe from coyotes.  Be sure your leash is secure on your wrist, coyotes are known to ‘surprise attack’ from behind and grab your small dog right off your leash.