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No Dog Forgotten ~ FL

Shelters   Rescues   "No Kill"   -Cats   -Dogs
Palm Harbor, FL 34685, USA
3196 Windmoor Drive North Palm Harbor Florida 34685 US

No Dog Forgotten is a nonprofit 501c3 organization. We are dedicated to helping the animals and people in our community by providing temporary housing, training, and medical care to those in need. Our primary mission is to prevent the pain and suffering of animals, specifically that which many animals currently experience in relation to lack of resources, mistreatment or abuse, and the challenges presented by the shelter environment during the rehoming process. To accomplish this goal, our dedicated team works with vets, trainers, shelters, and fosters in our community to help keep animals in their loving homes or to find forever placement for those that do not have it. As a part of our mission, we often provide extensive or emergency vet care as well as behavioral rehabilitation to animals in need.

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