SaveARescue partnered with Farmina & Protein for Pets to Give Away and donate 8 tons of Puppy Food this “Thanksgiving Week” to worthy Rescues always in need of support in every way for their daily, selfless, saving’ of the dogs & cats at...
With 93% of pet owners saying that owning an animal makes them happy* and as technology separates us from each other, rescuing and adopting is at an all time high, especially amongst millennials. Getting a dog or cat can seem like such an exciting idea initially, but...
Are you looking to adopt a dog or cat but are confused where to look for one? Save A Rescue is the largest dog/cat rescue resource on the internet to help you adopt a pet near you. We offer a largest platform to search for pets. Either you are looking for mixed breed...
Dog Owners Have Discovered a Powerful, In-Expensive, Multiple Healing, Spice by Bev Gun-Munro March 23, 2017 You’ve likely heard about the recent popularity in feeding dogs turmeric, toting numerous health benefits that sound too good to be true. But is this Indian...
#1: Picking The Wrong Dog/Wrong Time ~ for Your Lifestyle & Personality #2: Dismissing Training & Socialization Needs #3: Not Enough Exercise Activity #4: Avoiding Vet Checkups #5 Avoid Heartworm Prevention #6: Neglecting Dental Health #7: ...
Best “Couch Potato” Dog Breeds Moderate Exercise Needs Its hard to find a dog breed that doesn’t like a good snuggle session with their owners after a long day of play and exercise and “down” time… and there are many breeds that...