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ABGRA (American Brussels Griffon Rescue Alliance) & AAR (American Affenpinscher Rescue) is a ...
Wichita KS 67202 United States
American Brussels Griffon Rescue Alliance (ABGRA) along with American Affenpinscher Rescue (AAR),...
Linden VA 22642 United States
American Brussels Griffon Rescue Alliance (ABGRA) along with American Affenpinscher Rescue (AAR),...
Mesa AZ 85214 United States
American Brussels Griffon Rescue Alliance (ABGRA) along with American Affenpinscher Rescue (AAR),...
Seymour MO 65746 United States
American Brussels Griffon Rescue Alliance (ABGRA) along with American Affenpinscher Rescue (AAR),...
Endless Pawibilities Rescue, (a 501c3 non-profit), preference is to rescue in small numbers; whic...
We are a small not for profit 501(c)(3) non profit organization. — All volunteer rescue gro...
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