WordPress database error: [Table 'canadiana13_wp_ufroh.wp_sabai_content_post' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_title FROM wp_sabai_content_post WHERE entity_id = 158

203 Frontier Circle China Grove NC 28023 United States
The Irish Wolfhound Assoc. of the Mid-South actively provides rescue and placement for Irish Wolf...
335 Seymour Ave. Lansing MI 48933 United States
We provide emergency shelter and permanent placement for Irish Wolfhounds in need. We provide edu...
80 Lundys Lane, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA
Edna Henley, IW Rescue Coordinator, alt. phone 415-674-9076
Vienna, VA, USA
Contact Tom & Diane Hartney ~ The PVIWC has an active wolfhound rescue/placement program oper...
4222 Old Hoboken Road, Blackshear, GA 31516, USA
Contact Person: Jackie Carswell
Showing 1 - 25 of 33 results