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Pets cannot tell us when something is wrong.

Trust your instincts as a pet owner: if you notice something is different with your dog or cat, pay close attention — it could be a sign of a serious medical condition.

Here are 5 signs to never ignore in pets.

#1:  Change in Odor

Do not mistake your pet’s stinky breath, no matter what age they are.

Healthy pets do not stink. If your pet has started to smell differently — smelly ears and skin, noxious smelling gas, bad breath — these are indicators there is a problem.

: Bad breath is a sure sign of dental disease, that can affect blood, heart and cause diabetes or kidney failure.

: Smelling ears ~ indicates possible ear infections.

: Foul smelling skin, skin lesions and/or itchy, flaking skin can be an indicator of allergies, bacterial or yeast infections.

: Even if you have a pet that produces malodorous gas regularly ~ a change in intensity might be an indicator of gastrointestinal diseases.

Any of the above ~ get your pet to your Veterinarian asap for an examination.


#2:  Excessive Consumption of Water

 If you start to notice your pet drinking an unusual amount & more water than they used to it may be an indication of diabetes, kidney failure or Cushing’s disease.

*Be sure to discuss it with your Veterinarian.

* Some medications may cause dehydration and a need for more water …

excessive exercise and panting is totally normal for them to want to hydrate themselves.


#3:  Heavy Panting

Totally normal following a good exercise and or on warmer than usual or hot days.

Heavy panting that you need to be concerned about is when you notice deeper and labored breathing lasting longer than normal panting associated with excitement, playtime, or their cooling down period.

Heavy panting could mean your dog or cat is in pain and may be suffering from heatstroke, poisoning, heart failure,  pneumonia, lung tumors or Cushing’s disease.

Call your Veterinarian’s office and get advice immediately.


#4  Drooling

Saint Bernards, Boxers, Bloodhounds, Mastiffs, is totally normal for these breeds. However, for other breeds excessive drooling is may well be an indicator something else if wrong with your pet.

:  Dental issues such as periodontitis or a tooth abscess

:  Your pet has eaten something that is irritating or burning their mouth, i.e. a toxic plant

:  Neurological Problems

#5:  Noticeable Change in Behavior

Pain and discomfort are the most common reasons for a change in your pet’s behavior. Behavioral

:  Sudden unprovoked aggression, moodiness, erratic temperament, hyperactivity, fearfulness, anxiety, submissiveness

:  Suddenly having seizures

:  Suddenly showing inactivity — no longer playing with toys, choosing to be alone in another room, “  :  Can’t get comfortable lying down

:  Lack of appetite

The above are all indicators that something is wrong.

Possible causes:

A] Hyperthyroidism in Cats

B] Thyroid dysfunction in Dogs

C]  Cancer

D]  Arthritis

E]  Skin Allergies

F]  Heart Disease

G]  Injury You are Unaware of.


Get Medical Veterinarian advice as soon as possible.  Your pet is worth it!